1. ALL LAUSD Schools are closed for the remainder of the 2024-2024 school year.
2. School Enrollment:
For teachers' office hours, access to class websites/schedules, and email addresses, please click on the TEACHER tab and then DISTANCE LEARNING SCHEDULES or CLICK HERE.
小米路由器mini折腾之自动翻墙篇 - 老高的技术博客:2021-1-17 · 小米路由器翻墙 教程 打造自动翻墙的路由器 设置路由器翻墙 重要更新 感谢@Question提醒 刷完系统后配置好chinadns后,将wan6接口的协议切换成6to4协议,保存后可直连 ipv6.google.com,貌似DNS污染也一并解决了,但是不知为何直连速度不快,不如走SS ...